
在世間60冬, 培養個兒子是牙醫, 但是除非逼不得已, 真不想經過診所

2011年8月30日 星期二

波灣英雄 vs 牙科恐懼

一邊聽  ICRT, 一邊準備 GRE 考試,
 "Everybody Wants to Rule the World"
原唱是---Tears for Fears 吶喊 - 驚懼之淚合唱團

咱們今天輕鬆一下, 邊聽歌, 邊看下面, 這一篇相當有趣的文章:

Dental Anxiety
By Susan Zakin

Tim Day is a master sergeant in the Air Force. When the Gulf War erupted in the early 1990s, he was one of the first to volunteer for Operation Desert Storm. He also runs three miles a day and plays full contact football, often emerging from games bloodied and bruised. But he is so terrified of seeing a dentist that he refused to get his teeth cleaned for nine years. Now when it's time for a routine visit to the dentist, his wife lures him into the car on a pretext, and only when his seatbelt is fastened and her foot is on the gas pedal does she reveal where they're going.
(lure---引誘 ; pretext---幌子; gas pedal---油門)

"Send me to Desert Storm, send me to Iraq," Day said recently while awaiting a dental exam. "You can have people shoot at me, but don't send me to the dental clinic. I may die or get blown up, but I prefer to do that than sit in this chair right here."
(blown up ---這邊講"被炸死"的意思)

Day's case may strike some people as extreme, but he is not alone in his fears. An estimated 40 million Americans refuse to go to the dentist out of fear, according to the Academy of General Dentistry. In fact, millions of patients live with dental problems because they're afraid of undergoing the procedures to fix them, a dread that in its extreme form is called odontophobia. Like Day, some people would rather endure danger or the throbbing pain of a toothache than visit a dentist.

What's behind this dental phobia? "For most people, it's the anticipation of the pain rather than the pain itself," says Dr. Ed Carlson, who ultimately became Tim Day's dentist.






牙科恐懼- 病因




(1)國內牙科恐懼患者常常有不愉快的牙科經歷,而且往往與“ 殺神經 ”治療和“拔智齒”手術有關,疼痛和敲擊震動是主要原因。


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